
Palm Sunday and Knowing Jesus

I love Palm Sunday. I love how the people worshiped Jesus. But through the years, the Lord has faithfully led this Bible nerd to deeper levels of understanding of what happened that fateful day on the ancient Jerusalem streets. Did you know what happened involved prophecy, the Feast of the Tabernacles, and Psalm 118? Rather than writing a post, I’m …

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biblefaith, Names of Jesus

What Does Christ Mean?

We call Him Jesus Christ. Even those who haven’t placed their trust in Him use this name; sadly, often not in Holy ways. Jesus has many names and titles, but of all Jesus’s names and titles, the addition of “Christ” magnifies the Holiness of His name. “Jesus” means “God saves”, yet many people named their little boys “Jesus” in biblical …

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Jesus: The Name We All Need to Heal Our Hearts and Save Our Souls

The most powerful name in the world is the name “Jesus.” It’s hated by demons and worshiped by angels. Sung in praise and whispered in prayer. This name is the name above all names. The name that can save us and make the darkness flee. Why would the Savior of the world be named Jesus? Because that’s what His name …

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