busy, prayer

If You Are Too Busy: 3 Steps to Simplify

3 Steps to Simplify


It’s our middle name. Our culture. Our reality.

. . . or is it? Are we really as busy as we think we are?

My head is spinning and my heart is thumping as I think of the responsibilities I signed up to do for the next few months. I signed up. Nobody twisted my arm or bribed me with chocolate or money. I got into this mess all by myself. I can feel the stress in my shoulder.

Yet, in my defense, I believe with all my heart that God opened the opportunities I said yes to. I’m passionate about them. So, if He called me to this crazy busy season, I know He will show me how to proceed if I ask.

Can you relate? Are you frantically wondering how you are going to do everything you’ve said you would do? Here’s step number one:

1. Prioritize

Ask God for a reality check and order.

As I prayed this morning, God began to show me how to reorganize my responsibilities; they overlap each other. He also showed me that my anxiety was pressure I placed on myself. God did give me these opportunities. But the stress and anxious thoughts, the pain in my shoulder is not from Him. It’s my own doing.

What looks like a mountain to us is an ant hill to God. It’s probably just an ant hill to the rest of the world too, but our expectations build up that little hill to a looming impossibility. If you find your responsibilities forming a mountain, stop doing. Just stop.Take a break. Step number two:

2. Take a break.

Ask God to reveal His vision for your responsibilities. Ask Him to show you what is important to Him.

I didn’t say quit. Take a break. I promise, the world will keep revolving if you arrive to the meeting late or post your blog five hours later than scheduled or your kids dress themselves in non-matching attire. It’s okay!

Finally, some of us don’t realize that we are busy, our lives frantic, because we want to control everything. We believe we have to do everything because we don’t trust others to do it well. We’re perfectionists. That brings me to tip number three:

3. Delegate.

Ask God to show you what responsibilities can be given to somebody else.

I’ve learned that the root of control and perfectionism is pride. But pride is false reality too. Don’t believe for one minute that you are the only person that can do what you are stressing over. Humble yourself by asking God to bring help.

[bctt tweet=”The root of control and perfectionism is pride.” username=”wordsbyandylee”]


What will be the hardest thing for you to do out of the 3 steps to simplify your life? Share your thoughts below in the comment box. Your sharing encourages others!

I feel the need to pray for us.

“Oh Father-God, thank you for our lives. Thank you for waking us up this morning, placing the sun in the sky, and granting us another day to do Your will. Lord, we get so busy here on this planet, or at least it seems that way. We are stressed and worried. Help us trust you enough to stop doing what we’re doing and pray. Give us your vision. What’s important to you? How can we consolidate our responsibilities? Who can help us? (They are probably right under our nose.) Thank you for the peace you give when we trust you with our “busy.” Humble us, breathe life into us, and use us for eternity today. Amen.”


Finding better Purpose in Simplifying,




(This post first appeared as 3 Steps to Un-busy Your Life)


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If worry keeps you awake at night, I’ve found some practical and biblical tips to help win the war over worry and catch much needed peace. Bonus: Five Scriptures and a Prayer for when worry hits. I want you to know His unfathomable peace.  ~ AndyPeace Book Cover Giveaway


  1. Thank you for some practical ways to decrease stress! I know God doesn’t want me to be anxious; but, I need step by step instructions that deal with real life.

    1. hey Kathy! So excited this helped you. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I pray you’ll feel more peace and less anxiety in your day to day.

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