goodness of God, Uncategorized

Grace Please: Finding the Tangible Goodness of God

You set a boundary

I helped my elderly neighbor clean out her desk a few years ago. She was legally blind, so she needed me to read EVERYTHING and help her make a decision of whether or not something should be thrown away. She hated wasting anything. ANYTHING! So it is safe to say we didn’t throw much away.

Some of the things we came across were cartoons and jokes. She loved to laugh–then again, who doesn’t? How we need to laugh! Maybe some of us should start saving jokes and cartoons, but I digress…


One of the cartoons was a drawing of two dinosaurs on an island. They were standing side-by-side staring out into the ocean, waving. Farther out in the water was Noah’s ark. The caption read,

“Oh man! Was that today?”

We laughed. (I hope you chuckled or at least cracked a smile.)The dinosaurs had missed the boat.

Sometimes life gets hard. We feel like we missed the boat. Prayers don’t seem to be answered, troubles seem to multiply, and we wonder about the power, goodness, and faithfulness of God.  But when we start to think this way, we need to begin looking for the tangible goodness and promises of God because they’re all around us.

When we find those tangible good blessings and promises of God, it is easier to claim with the psalmist these very important words:

[bctt tweet=”You are good, and what you do is good; teach me your decrees. Psalm 119:68. Stand on this truth.” username=”wordsbyandylee”]

I’ve been on those deserted islands where all seemed lost. The ship had sailed.  I was mad at God, restless and miserable until I could finally say again, “But I know You are good.”

I would love to hear what you see today as a tangible promise of God. Let’s encourage one another with what we find! Leave a comment and/ or snap a picture and put it on our Facebook Fellowship page, Andy Lee (Author) ! 

Much grace,


This post was adapted from the post, Tangible Promises of God .


  1. Janice

    Always knowing our Heavenly Father has a sense of humor gives me great joy!

    1. Amen, Janice! Me too! Love it!

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