cancer, choice, God's goodness, grief, rest, Trust

God is Good…Do you need to know this today?

Led by a tug on my spirit, I write. Maybe one person needs this:
She was funny and spunky, an elementary teacher for over twenty years.  At age fifty she still had a lot to give to her new grandbaby, her fourth graders, and her community.  But cancer had struck a second time, and the diagnosis was grim. When I first learned of this demon’s return, I sat in “sack-cloth and ashes” in my living room seeking the Lord’s guidance, begging for an extension of my sister’s life. I believed God had showed us through scripture that she would survive, but that she’d grow close to death before healing came. I’ve never believed in anything so strongly. Other believers also received this word for her life, but her healing didn’t manifest itself on this side of heaven (excerpt from A Mary Like Me).
I love dusty old churches and soft sunlight streaming through stained glass. I find God here.
photo by A. Lee
What do you do when you thought you heard God, but the circumstances didn’t turn out as you thought they would? What do you do when your Lazarus dies and Jesus waits a long time to come back and pick up your broken heart? What do you do when you’ve petitioned for your own physical healing and it hasn’t come?
I’ve learned that there is no other option that brings grief healing than choosing to believe that God is good. Even when love ones die. Even when your dreams die due to disease or tragedy. Life is hard on this earth, but God is good. That is where I have to live…in His goodness. Any other place brings darkness, emptiness, and anger.
So, I look for His goodness in the things around me. I go where I know I can find Him.
How does trusting in His goodness help you? Where do you find His goodness?
Much grace,
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand (Isa. 41:10).

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