faith, john 21, love, restoration, sin

Do You Love Me?

Have you ever made a really bad mistake? Have you had a selfish, sinful moment that you would go back in time and change if you could? Has fear ever caused you to deny your faith?

That’s what happened to Peter.

He seemed to be the most fervent and radical of Jesus’ disciples. Maybe even the strongest of the twelve (at least in appearance). Has anyone given him credit for trying to stay close by when Jesus was taken away? Did all of the other disciples scatter and hide while Peter tried to follow the posse that captured Jesus? He did follow, but he cracked. Fear overcame him, and he denied knowing Jesus.

Aren’t you glad that’s not the end of the story?

John 21 tells us the rest. (Read it when you have time.)

How gently Jesus restored His disciples, especially one of His favorites, Peter.

No rebuke. No discipline or punishment. Just a question:

“Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?” Simon’s answer was “yes!” Jesus proceeded to ask Him this question three times. The number of times Peter had messed up. He also gave Peter a purpose.

He restores us the same way today.

If you’ve blundered in your faith lately, come back. Jesus is waiting on the shore with food to nourish your soul and one gentle question, “Do you love me?”

If our answer is yes, His reply gives us a purpose. “Feed my sheep.” Our forgiveness and restoration is not just about us.

What kind of God will cook breakfast for you, gently restore your broken heart, and give you a life giving purpose after you have denied Him three times?

The kind of God seen in Jesus.

Much grace,

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation….1Col. 1:15

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