giving, Miracles

Do You Feel Like You Have Nothing to Give?

“Late that afternoon the Twelve came to him and said, ‘Send the crowd away so that they can go to the surrounding villages and countryside and find food and lodging, because we are in a remote place here. He replied, ‘You give them something to eat.’ They answered, ‘We have only five loaves of bread and two fish…” Luke 9:12,13


Over five thousand people were fed that day with the small amount of food. It was all they had–barely enough for the Twelve much less over five thousand people.

The odds were against them. The disciples were tired. They needed a break. The “convention” had gone on for days. It wasn’t unreasonable for the people to take care of themselves. Jesus had already done so much and taught wonderful things. They had gotten their ‘moneys’ worth, right?


Jesus is a giver. Such a generous giver. I’m sure He received much joy from feeding those people. But the miracle was for the disciples to see. Jesus wanted to give them something that would fuel their tired spirits…something much better than sending the people away.

How many of us feel we have so very little to give? And since we only have a little, we don’t try to give at all. This applies to tangible things; we feel we need to make more money so we can give more money. But it can also apply to spiritual gifts. How many of us feel that we only have five loaves and two fish of Jesus to give to somebody today?

We know we’ve got a calling on our lives, we have a dream, but the odds are overwhelming and so we try to convince Jesus that we don’t have enough. We can’t do it.

PicMonkey Collage Eph 1-13

[tweetability]But Jesus says, “Give them what you have. Feed them what you have. I’ll do the rest…the miracle.”[/tweetability] (tweet this)

Many times I sit at a blank computer screen wondering what I have to give. Some mornings I only have one bite of bread, not even a whole loaf or a fish for protein. I’m tempted to quote a whole page of somebody’s book, somebody well known, wiser, and famous.

All I have is Jesus and what He’s done in my life.

But as long as we have Him, the Bread of Life, we have something to give–the goodness and kindness of our God. Share your story, and Jesus will do the miracle. Like the ripples in a pond, your story will bless someone which will in turn bless another. Perhaps up to five thousand will be fed! But all will go hungry if we don’t give what we have.

[tweetability]I wonder how many spiritually hungry people we send away every day?[/tweetability] (tweet this)

Do you feel you don’t have anything to give? Does this encourage you to give what you’ve got?

My friend, Jana Greene , just published her first book, Edgewise:plunging off of the brink of drink and into the love of God.  After battling fear, doubt, and insecurities, Jana gives her loaves and fish. I have no doubt that her offering will feed many.

With Joy,






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