dreams, Uncategorized

Why I Cry Watching “The Voice”

  I’m a social crier. I see someone crying, and tears threaten my own eyes. It’s not my favorite quality. But today, I realized while watching “The Voice” blind auditions (the television show where contestants sing with the coaches’ backs to them), that I cried for almost every person who was on the stage. My tears weren’t just social, though there …

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dreams, recipe, Uncategorized

My Pancake Parable: Nothing is Impossible

Have you tried to succeed at something and failed time and time again? Did you finally throw in the towel with the disappointing yet relieving thought, “I guess I’m just not meant to do this. I will never be able to do it, so I’ll give up.” This is the way I felt about pancakes. When my kids were young I would …

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dreams, purpose

When You’re Afraid to Dream

I’ve always been a proponent of dreams. Not the kind that you have while you sleep, but the kind found in the fourth definition of Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary: a strongly desired goal or purpose. When you define “dream” that way, who can live without such a thing? We spend the last week of December every year wracking our brains for …

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