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Bite of Bread Reading Plan: Verses to Help Us Walk With God


Isn’t it exquisite?

On my walk today, my eyes locked on the huge magnolia trees lining the road opposite the sidewalk leading me home. As I stared at these trees, giggles erupted from my silent self. Giggles. All alone, staring at these absurd trees, I shook my head. Only God could make a tree like the Magnolias. Their large waxy leaves and gigantic white flowers look like a painting in a children’s book. If you haven’t seen one, you’ve got to You-tube them!

I felt Holy Spirit nudge me toward them to take a closer look, so I walked across the street.

“Smell them,” He persisted.

The deep, sweet smell filled my nose, and I couldn’t help but smile.

Prior to those trees, a soft summer shower had anointed my walk. I love the smell of summer showers. Now my nose was also tickled with the sweet magnolia blooms.

What kind of God creates such beauty, such wonder?

. . . A good one.

The Bite of Bread reading plan is filled with wonderful promises and wisdom as we walk daily with the One who loves us more than we can imagine. The One who wants to bless us. He sent Jesus and then Holy Spirit.

And He fashioned the magnolia, painted sunsets, and set fingernail moons in the sky.

I’m sure there is some purpose for the magnolia, but I’m persuaded to believe He made these unique trees simply for blessing His children.

Bite of Bread June 1


I pray the reading plan blesses you this week. Grab a pen and jot it down in a journal or take a screen shot. I’ll meet you on Periscope every morning at 8:20 ET to share the “bites” together. Join Twitter and grab the Periscope app for your phone or tablet, or go to to join us.


Your Turn: What takes your breath away or makes you giggle and helps you know the loving kindness or humor of our audacious God? Leave a comment!


Finding Purpose in God’s handiwork,



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