Creator, faith, God in control, prayer

Faith of a Child

I am teaching a Bible study on Thursday nights. Every week I give the ladies a list of verses to read and copy in their spiral notebook. Many of the Scriptures I have blogged about the past two weeks have been on those Bible verses because that is where I have been lately in the mornings. Candle lit, cats fed, coffee, couch, me, …

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repentance, salvation, silence, Trust, worry

The Strong, Silent Type

This is what the Sovereign, the Holy One of Israel says, “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it.” (Isaiah 30:15). What a powerful verse. When I get all stirred up and bothered, and peace escapes my soul, I need to heed this: Repent from trying to …

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Daily Bible, dance, lovers, seal, Song of Solomon

A Morning Confession

Mike and I are reading the Daily Bible (almost daily). He reads the long Old Testament section, and I read the  New Testament, Psalm and Proverb. This morning we found ourselves reading a lover’s letter to his beloved. We read Song of Solomon. I confess, as Mike read the scripture, I found myself feeling 14 again as I tried to …

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